
Why YouTube?

YouTube is the premiere social media platform for sharing video content. YouTube allows you to store an infinite amount of videos on their servers. You can use those videos on your website, or on other social media platforms! YouTube has also made it easy to catalog your videos into Playlists, allowing you to organize your video content for people to binge watch. Here are some other benefits you’ll get from using YouTube for business:

  • Doing well on YouTube will help you get found on Google
  • Increase authority of your Website
  • Drive people from your YouTube videos to your website
  • Create sharable content for social media 
  • Use polls to get feedback from your audience
  • Get feedback from the comment section on your videos
  • Observe YouTube analytics to see who is interested in your videos, and your business
  • Build customer loyalty
  • Make money with Ads placed on your videos
  • Generate Sales

Who Uses YouTube?

As of April 2022, 46.1 percent of YouTube users were female, and 53.9 percent of users were male. There are 122 million people who watch YouTube videos every day. 

The graph below shows that the majority of YouTube users are 25-34 years old.

YouTube Users by Age Group in 2022

Statistics provided by Statista

What Type of Business Should Use YouTube?

YouTube is a great platform for any business that can put out video content. Commercials, testimonials, tutorials, lifestyle, and educational videos are a few examples of videos businesses can use to succeed on YouTube (and on Google). 

YouTube Developement

Webcrafter provides development services for YouTube. We will make your YouTube Channel reflect your business’s branding, which will also match the branding on your website. We will also integrate your YouTube channel with your website. Here’s a list of some of the other things we will do for your YouTube Channel:

  • Create an engaging YouTube banner
  • Incorporate logo as the profile picture
  • SEO
  • Optimize the “About” section
  • Fill out Business Information correctly
  • Optimize channel settings
  • Edit videos 
  • Create and implement eye-catching thumbnails for videos

Once your YouTube Channel is complete, we will give you advice on how to use it for the best results. If you end up with any questions, just give us a call!

YouTube Advertising

People need to know that your business exists, that’s why it’s so important to advertise it! There are four main types of advertising you can do on YouTube:

  1. Skippable In-Stream Ads reach as many people as possible on your budget with skippable ads that run before, during, or after a video plays.
  2. Bumper Ads highlight your most memorable messages with these quick, non-skippable ads
  3. Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads makes sure potential customers see the full story with a non-skippable ad that plays before, during, or after their video
  4. Masthead reaches more potential customers in a short amount of time by featuring your ad at the top of the YouTube home feed.

If you’re going to spend money on ads, you’ll want them to look as good as possible. Webcrafter LLC uses powerful Adobe programs to create and edit images for Facebook ads, increasing the chance your ad will not only be seen, but interacted with as well! We can also help design your ads as well as set up targeted ad campaigns for you.

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