
Why TikTok?

TikTok is a social media app that allows users to create short videos up to 3 minutes long. The videos can be edited right on TikTok (natively), making it very easy to pump out highly engaging content for the platform.

The TikTok Shopping feature includes the ability to tag a product with a simple tap. Not only is this key for keeping your brand awareness strong, but it also means you can advertise without advertising! Here are some ways TikTok can help your business:

  • Grow Brand Awareness
  • Escalate Customer Loyalty
  • Educate Target Audience
  • Target Future Employees
  • Target Future Clients or Customers
  • Generate Sales
  • Increase Website Traffic
  • Increase Your Audience Reach

Who Uses TikTok?

As of April 2022, 61 percent of TikTok users were female, and 39 percent of users were male. There are 1 billion people who actively use Tiktok every month.

The graph below shows that the majority of TikTok users are 10-19 years old.

TikTok Users by Age Group in 2022

Statistics provided by Statista

What Type of Business Should Use TikTok?

Any business that can put out entertaining short videos, and that can appeal to a younger demographic (especially females), can do well on TikTok. Remember, TikTok is meant to be a fun and youthful platform! It is the perfect platform for businesses like: health and beauty, lifestyle, music, dance, and art. TikTok can also be used to increase brand exposure to a younger audience before another brand imprints on them.

TikTok Developement

Webcrafter provides development services for TikTok. We will make your TikTok Business Account reflect your business’s branding, which will also match the branding on your website. Here’s a list of some of the other things we will do for your TikTok Business Account:

  • Correctly adjust TikTok Business settings
  • Incorporate edited profile picture that reflects branding
  • Link TikTok to other Social Media accounts
  • Link TikTok to your website
  • Optimize the “Bio” section
  • Create edited videos

Once your Twitter Business Account is complete, we will give you advice on how to use it for the best results. If you end up with any questions, just give us a call!

TikTok Advertising

People need to know that your business exists, that’s why it’s so important to advertise it! There are three main types of advertising you can do on TikTok:

  1. In-feed Ads are self-service ads you can create yourself through the TikTok Ad Manager interface.
  2. Image Ads show up in TikTok’s News Feed apps. It includes an image, brand or app name, and ad text.
  3. Video Ads run as 5-60 second full-screen videos in the user’s “For You” feed. Each ad includes a video, an ad display image, brand or app name, and ad text.
  4. Spark Ads allows you to boost organic content from your own account or from other users.
  5. Pangle Ads are placed through the TikTok Audience Network.
  6. Carousel Ads include up to 10 images per ad.
  7. TopView ads appear as a full-screen video ad for 5 to 60 seconds when a user opens the TikTok app.

  8. Branded Hashtag Challenge is a three to six day ad campaign to encourage engagement. User generated content appears on the hashtag challenge page.
  9. Branded Effects like stickers, filters, and special effects get “TikTokers” interacting with your brand.

If you’re going to spend money on ads, you’ll want them to look as good as possible. Webcrafter LLC uses powerful Adobe programs to create and edit images for TikTok ads, increasing the chance your ad will not only be seen, but interacted with as well! We can also help design your ads as well as set up targeted ad campaigns for you.

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